
Monday, February 13, 2012

Highballs, anyone?

One of the first vintage items to catch my eye were cocktail glasses. My grandparents had several sets from the 1960s and to my child's eye, the color, shapes and sheer exuberance of an everyday item made every drink special. Well, that turned out to be a blessing and a curse because if you appreciate a good vessel as much as a good quaff, a combination of the two can lead to a hangover of monumental proportion.

Back in the day, Granddad's highball was Jim Beam and 7UP with a few cubes to chill and tinkle. Not for me these days, but don't let that stop you from enjoying a tall cool drink in a swanky glass. I swear Pellegrino and lime tastes better in a glass with a couple of gold leaf amoeba.

I'm on the look out for some fabulous sets and I'll add them here as discovered. If you don't own one yet, get one. Then send me a shot of you tipping back for the blog. We can start our own online cocktail society.

Mid-Century highball glasses. A wedding gift from R and LC and sentimental favorite.
Gold rims are so swanky.

Mid-Century Mixology 101

A great vintage cocktail mixer duo.

San Francisco Tourista Highball Glasses.

State themed juice glasses. Not strictly cocktail, but what the heck, why not?

A single lager flute. This belonged to my grandfather. Note the especially manly Greco-Roman wrestling motif.

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